Excellence in Media Relations - Brand Associated Consumer Health

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Sex Degrees of Separation

by Pegasus for Lloyds Pharmacy

Summary of work

LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor offers a reliable alternative to seeing a GP for over a million patients by providing discreet healthcare online. With no need for face-to-face appointments, it can save time and embarrassment; especially for sensitive issues. Looking to drive traffic to its website through engaging and relevant content, and position itself as an expert in discreet sexual health services, LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor turned to Pegasus to build a media relations campaign around its existing online tool that calculated the number of indirect sexual partners a person has had. Building a creative and highly-targeted campaign around an age-old adage - and armed with new data around the sexual behaviour of adults in 2015 - Pegasus launched ‘Sex Degrees of Separation’ during Sexual Health Week. The campaign instantly grabbed the attention of media and consumer alike, seeing 1.6 million completions of the calculator, and over 20,000 social shares. Most importantly, more than 1,200 people took up the service’s STI assessments and organic sales of sexual health products doubled.

Judges’ comments

This entry was an obvious stand-out winner and was in a class of its own. It was really creative, with clever messaging, amazing KPIs and metrics in spades! It is a great example of where insights and targeting led to strategy that ultimately delivered great results