Highly Commended

At Tipping Point – The Advisory Group on Contraception

by Incisive Health for Advisory Group on Contraception, supported by Bayer Plc and MSD

Summary of work

Since 2015, deep cuts to public health budgets and fragmented commissioning have resulted in accelerated closures of sites providing contraceptive services. This has put women’s access to the full range of contraceptive methods and the sustainability of these services at serious risk. Having accumulated year-on-year evidence exposing the impact of these cuts through annual audits, it was important for the AGC to ensure that they were cutting through to campaigners, politicians and policymakers, in order to achieve policy change.

At tipping point took a complex and vast data set, and condensed it into a set of clear, stark messages that could be used to firmly put contraception on the map. By bringing in the voices of vulnerable women impacted by closures, the AGC has created a brand new paper that has been used successfully by Parliamentarians and community advocates to call for meaningful policy change aimed at improving the experiences of women accessing contraception across England.

Judges’ comments

At Tipping Point stood out for its wealth of original research and excellent use of infographics. This made it incredibly accessible and immediately understandable.