Highly Commended

Advance Outcomes© – An Innovative Model of Medical Education to Achieve Improved, Measurable Healthcare and Patient Outcomes

By: Lucid Group

Summary of work

From an in-depth review of the market, it was clear there was industry, expert and education professional support for a new model in medical education. Lucid identified it could harness this and inspire the industry in creating education programmes that support healthcare professionals to change, improving clinical practice and patient outcomes. Lucid conducted a comprehensive literature review of the behaviour-change evidence base in collaboration with health psychology and behaviour change experts and distilled market and customer insights and behaviour change evidence into a simple five-step framework, Advance Outcomes©. Its objective was to demonstrate healthcare professional behaviour change and improved patient outcomes through implementation of the model. Its strategy involved building practical tools and training to integrate the framework throughout the agency for consistent implementation and building a differentiated marketing plan and targeting the right clients and clinicians to convince them of the need for behaviour-changing medical education. Lucid engaged client teams effectively, leading to client interest in the unique methodology rising, 24 pitches using Advance Outcomes®, with an unprecedented 93% conversion rate, implementation of Advance Outcomes® in 28 projects with 12 different clients. Moreover, it demonstrated improved healthcare and patient outcomes, including patient steroid dependence and multidisciplinary reviews.

Judges’ comments

A truly broad and wide ranging initiative undertaken at Lucid's own expense to tighten and improve educational initiatives. It improved their RFP and conversion rate and, more importantly, has specific patient outcomes as a key element.