This category recognises strategic and operational excellence in managing a brand launched over three years previously that is subject to fresh competitive, environmental or internal resourcing challenges resulting in continued growth and ensuring patients continue to benefit from its distinct advantages.

Work may be global, regional or UK specific.

Judges are looking for:

  • A clear understanding of the barriers or drivers to appropriate brand use
  • Clear strategic thinking to link new objectives, strategy and implementation
  • Real behaviour change among healthcare professionals/advocates and/or patients.

Work conducted during the 18-month period between December 2021 and June 2023 will be eligible.

Below is where the judges will be focusing their scores. Write your entries accordingly.

Judging criteria                  

Executive Summary – 200 words (not scored)

  • If you are nominated for an award, PMGroup may publish extracts from this summary, so ensure that it contains no confidential or sensitive information. No other part of your entry will be reproduced and the main content of your entry will remain confidential at all times.

Excellence in market and customer insight (10) (350 words)

  • Demonstrate how you gained in-depth understanding of your market and customer (payer, physician and patient) needs and attitudes

Clarity and appropriateness of SMART objectives (10) (250 words)

  • Demonstrate how your SMART objectives related to all stakeholders, reinforced each other and combined to achieve your overall objective
  • The rigour and ambition of your objective setting with relevant launch benchmarks

Quality of strategy development based on insights (10) (350 words)

  • Demonstrate what specific insights led to your choice of the particular strategy
  • Clarity of your target audience(s): payer/physician/patient
  • Evidence of effective segmentation, targeting (payer/physician/patient) and tailored positioning to establish and deliver a clear competitive, differentiated, value-adding strategy
  • Evidence as to how payer/physician/patient needs were planned to be addressed by your strategy
  • Evidence of how your strategy addresses the competitive challenges
  • Evidence of resource allocation decisions based on customers’ needs and needs and that customer’s role in achieving the overarching objectives

Quality of execution (10) (350 words)

  • Evidence of differentiated content being provided in a meaningful way to customers via an integrated multichannel programme or the effective use of specific channels
  • Evidence of the tactics delivered by the cross-functional team clearly linked to the overall strategy
  • Evidence of appropriate resource choices linked to the strategy.
  • Evidence of customer engagement and positive supportive statements.

Quality of measurement and learning (10) (350 words)

  • Demonstrate how metrics have been applied to measure outcomes, enable learning and take further action.
  • Evidence of how data captured is being leveraged and used to adapt strategy and tactics
  • Explain what if anything did not go so well, what are you going to do more of moving forward, what you would do differently?

Evidence of improved health outcomes (15) (350 words)

  • Evidence of HCP engagement and positive supportive statements (from payer, physician or patient)
  • Evidence of changed HCP perceptions and behaviours that will or have delivered improved health outcomes
  • Evidence of real-world health outcomes (or appropriate lead indicators if real outcomes are not yet available), better clinical outcome and/or health economic value