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Quarter of doctors use online network daily

Online network is witnessing record levels of engagement with doctors and has seen more than 40,000 unique users a day, the UK’s largest network of medical professionals, is witnessing record levels of engagement with doctors and has seen more than 40,000 unique users a day. The network has a membership comprising 90 per cent of all UK practising doctors and latest figures suggest a quarter of all doctors use the network each day. 

The network is a source of independent professional information and provides a unique ability for doctors to collaborate online to solve day-to-day clinical problems. With 50,000 forum posts per month, GPs and specialists are increasingly using the site to discuss rare conditions and consult with experts in particular clinical areas.

The pooling of specialist advice and increased collaboration has allowed patients with rare conditions and apparently inexplicable symptoms to be treated faster and more effectively. Questions answered include those involving investigations, medications, how to conduct unusual surgical procedures and complex ethical issues.

Dr Tim Ringrose, medical director of, said: “It’s a challenge for doctors to keep up to date with the rapid pace of change in knowledge across the 52 specialties of medical practice. I was taught at medical school that good doctors know when to ask for advice and know where to go to get it. Online professional networks are connecting tens of thousands of clinicians to solve these clinical conundrums.”

Article by Tom Meek
28th September 2010
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