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Pharma Social Media Ranking – Global Twitter Edition 2018

This 2018 pharma social media ranking from healthcare agency Owen Health provides a snapshot of the performance of 22 of the largest pharma companies on Twitter.

As social media platforms have become a daily part of many consumers media repertoire over the past decade, it’s understandable why companies in every sector have decided to set-up social media outposts. Even back in 2014 eyeforpharma’s Industry Healthcheck found that 75% of pharma executives agreed that better use of social media was genuinely important to the future of pharma.
Our research has found that most pharma companies embraced Twitter around 8.5 years ago, although GSK stands out as an early adopter of the channel when it was the first pharma company to dip it’s toe into the 140 character social platform just over a decade ago.

A constant story during this time has been the decline of organic reach across social platforms including Twitter. This decline, coupled with the introduction of new advertising platforms, has prompted many to call it the biggest bait and switch in marketing history.

So, in addition to the challenge of publishing compliant content, pharma companies have been forced to respond to the challenge of balancing the community-nature of social media with it’s pay-to-play advertising model.

Our inaugural ranking aims to take a snapshot of the performance of these pharma companies on Twitter to see how they are responding to these challenges.We hope our ranking and the insights prove useful to the pharma companies we looked at and in particular to the dedicated social media teams behind their respective Twitter accounts.Download the full ranking and research here –

We’re Owen Health, a Healthcare Communications Agency that specialises in Multi-channel Marketing to make you Digitally Fitter, Stronger & Faster.

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This content was provided by An agency called Owen

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