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Download ‘Perspective magazine issue 2: Human-centred design and strategy’

In the second issue of Perspective, the digital magazine from Blue Latitude Health, we tackle topics dealing with customer experience and customer and patient centricity.

Welcome to the April issue of Perspective, the Blue Latitude Health magazine.

As a creative marketing consultancy, we have a unique perspective on the challenges facing the broad range of stakeholders in the healthcare and pharma industry. As such, we’ve created this magazine to explore those challenges in depth from a variety of viewpoints.

In this issue, we tackle topics dealing with customer experience and customer and patient centricity. While there has been an ongoing conversation in the industry about what customer and patient centricity means, and how to better engage your customers, the conversation has not progressed much beyond that.

We still see briefs from industry publications asking for comment on the same questions we were asked last year and the year before that. So we’re pushing the conversation further, aiming to answer questions that dig deeper and offer more than broad strokes of theory.


In this issue, we’ve looked at:

  • What a human-centred approach to designing physical space looks like, and how to bring that approach into designing healthcare related spaces
  • The difference between market intelligence and design intelligence – and why you would use one over the other 
  • How genuine insight drives and informs strategy to ensure campaigns that deliver
  • A practical look at how user-centred design methodology and strategy come together to deliver effective sales tools
  • How to better understand the creation and use of personas for marketing in healthcare and pharma
  • The role empathy plays in designing products and services for healthcare and pharma

Download the April issue of Perspective magazine from Blue Latitude Health

This content was provided by Blue Latitude Health