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Orphan Drugs


We Can Shorten the Journey

During the shortest month of the year, Medscape Education is making a renewed commitment to use clinician education to help shorten the diagnostic and treatment journey for the millions of...

Medscape Education Global


Digital options to enhance your local market access materials

How can a digital approach enhance local customer communication, particularly when tools are adapted from existing global materials? What are the options? How can we build in efficiencies whilst meeting...

Mtech Access


Building trust with HCPs: 6 takeaways from our industry webinar

Key takeaways from the perspectives of industry experts across medical, commercial and digital on the issue of trust in pharma and how this impacts HCP engagement.

Graphite Digital

So, what is happening with specialised commissioning in the NHS?

Specialised commissioning continues to be an issue of significance and uncertainty for both the NHS and industry. What do the latest reports of regional push back on the plans for...

Mtech Access

EU Joint Clinical Assessment (JCA) – implications for Pharma and Medtech

Maria Dimitrova (Consultant – HTA) and Samantha Gillard (Director – HTA) provide an overview of the EU Joint Clinical Assessment (JCA) and what it means for Pharma and Medical Device...

Mtech Access


Market access and reimbursement in key European markets

An introductory guide to European market access and reimbursement stakeholders and processes in France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Mtech Access


AstraZeneca and Cellectis enter gene therapy partnership worth over $2.2bn

The deal gives AZ access to Cellectis’ gene editing technologies and manufacturing capabilities

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