
Millefeuille Script

by Bedrock Healthcare Communications for Celgene

Summary of work

For two deliberately different parts of this internal and external awareness drive, Bedrock applied a wide range of writing styles to satisfy diverse learning preferences, engaging audiences that are already over-serviced in terms of medical communications.

For the P.S.LIVE/P.S.ProfessionalLIVE documentaries content came from an innovative video ethnography research project, that involved patients with psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis and HCPs who care for such patients.

Two studio documentaries were produced, the first providing details of life with these conditions and the second providing perspectives on treatment. Versions for HCPs and a wider audience were produced of each.

For Millefeuille Celgene partnered with Bedrock and Turtle Canyon Films to develop and produce a creative drama short film highlighting the issues faced by people living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in a realistic and impactful way.

The script and supporting materials were written in collaboration with a range of expert partners in the medical-scientific and patient advocacy communities.

The script effectively wove over 40 hours of self-recorded video footage and its thematic analysis into a coherent, impactful narrative.

The accessible and easily-watchable nature of the outputs is a direct result of the extensive thought process and attention to detail underpinning the writing.

Judges’ comments

A well written and targeted script and accompanied case studies really brought a beautifully shot film to life. It had an excellently told story that was very effective at painting pictures in the mind’s eye.