
Get tested. Get treated. Hepatitis C disease awareness campaign

by Virgo HEALTH for Roche Products & The Hepatitis C Trust

Summary of work

The Get tested. Get treated. campaign targeted the ‘motivated mass’ of people who may have put themselves at risk of hepatitis C infection and are sufficiently health conscious to recognise this and take action.

The campaign combined targeted activities aimed at higher risk audiences at UK festivals and in London, with a widespread UK regional media campaign. In total, media coverage had potential reach to over 45 million people, and thousands of individuals interacted with the highly targeted disease awareness activities. UK hepatitis C diagnoses increased by 35 per cent in Q3 2011 vs Q3 2010.

Judges’ comments

A creative, strongly targeted and effective campaign using metrics beyond traditional media measurements to show real outcomes and changes in behaviour by increasing diagnosis of hepatitis C by 35 per cent in one year.