Innovation is defined as:

Innovation is defined as: The word “Innovation” comes from the Latin verb innovare, which means to renew. Innovation means to improve or to replace something, for example, a process, a product, or a service.

We are NOT looking for ‘inventions’ i.e. something that has not existed before. Rather, we want to see the changes in the established way that market concepts and methods are used, introduction of new methods, products or services; or introductions of something new, something that has never been done before in healthcare.

This category recognises marketing, business or technological innovation (see definition above) initiatives that have contributed to the enhancement of healthcare outcomes and improved patient care through a compelling and differentiated approach to one or more of the following:

  • Customer/stakeholder engagement
  • Use of communication or marketing channels
  • Provision of patient services
  • Provision of information/services for healthcare professionals
  • Healthcare collaboration with one or more parties
  • Development of skills and expertise that enables teams to be responsive to stakeholder needs.
  • Work carried out that enhances the capabilities of clinical teams/customers.
  • Conversational AI
  • Interactive/personalised apps/social/VR/AR

Work conducted during the 18-month period between December 2021 and June 2023 will be eligible.

Below is where the judges will be focusing their scores. Write your entries accordingly.

Judging criteria

Executive Summary – 200 words (not scored)

  • If you are nominated for an award, PMGroup may publish extracts from this summary, so ensure that it contains no confidential or sensitive information. No other part of your entry will be reproduced and the main content of your entry will remain confidential at all times.

Excellence in creating market and customer insight (10) – 350 words

  • Demonstrate how you gained in-depth understanding of your market and customer needs including the need for innovation
  • Demonstrate your understanding of barriers to change in your market.

Clarity and appropriateness of SMART objectives (10) – 300 words

  • Demonstrate how your objectives related to all stakeholders and target end users
  • Demonstrate how your objectives reinforced each other to lead to a successful introduction

Evidence of Innovation (15) – 400 words

  • Describe the key components of the innovation and how the innovation was inspired or generated
  • Evidence that the application of the new thing, new idea or a new method would achieve something and/or (better) meet a customer need in healthcare

Quality of marketing strategy (15) – 350 words

  • Clarity on target stakeholders and/or target end users and how their needs were to be addressed by your strategy
  • Evidence of how you planned to change current behaviour and introduce your innovation
  • Evidence of resource allocation decisions based on barriers to change, customers’ needs and value

Quality of execution (10) – 350 words

  • Evidence that resources have been optimised to efficiently and effectively execute your strategy
  • Evidence of customer engagement and positive supportive statements from stakeholders
  • Evidence of differentiation and enhanced value

Quality of measurement and learning (10) – 330 words

  • Demonstrate how metrics have been applied to measure outcomes
  • Evidence of clear lessons learned and how knowledge gained that will inform and shape future decision-making

Evidence of improved health outcomes (15) – 340 words

  • Evidence of how the innovation led to behaviour change or improved outcomes of any kind