
Making Gender Diversity Matter: Five Burning Questions

by MSD with support from Aurora

Summary of work

We live in an increasingly diverse society. Diversity brings new ways of thinking as well as opportunities for growth, learning and collaboration. However, issues of inequality limit and damage the prospects for diversity.

This truly collaborative project by MSD and Aurora had the goal of moving the conversation from platitudes to proactivity in the realm of equality. It focused on one of the most far-reaching inequalities in our workplaces – gender.

Gender equality cannot be achieved by one organisation, individual or only by women. It takes everyone. That’s why MSD and Aurora were motivated to drive change and reach out to a wide audience of people who could make a real difference.

The best use of this executive summary is to spread the learnings of this project rather than to sing our own praises for doing it. So, here are some things that every organisation or individual reading this can actually do to move our society and workplaces towards gender equality:

  • Call out inappropriate behaviours
  • Ensure everyone has a voice and is listened to
  • Set diversity goals that are meaningful
  • Instil gender diversity into all your actions, including what you click/like on social media.

Judges’ comments

This entry from Aurora and MSD was on a subject which is close to the judges' hearts and highly topical, addressing an important issue from a different perspective. The questions asked about gender diversity were spot on, it had a clear strategy and the SMART outcomes were reached or over achieved. Fantastic!