
Supporting Head and Neck Cancer Patients Return to Work Following Treatment

by Bristol Myers Squibb
with support from Aurora Healthcare Communications

Summary of work

The Back-to-Work Guide was created and funded by Bristol Myers Squibb in partnership with The Swallows and the Mouth Cancer Foundation and supported by Working With Cancer, Salivary Gland Cancer UK and members of the Head and Neck cancer patient community.
Built on patient insights, it was identified that 23% of people, following treatment for Head and Neck Cancer did not return to full time employment. The combination of physical, psychology and emotional impact of treatment meant many were unable to face employment.
This Guide, created in true collaboration with the top UK Head and Neck Cancer charities, aimed to help these patients feel confident with returning to work and able to understand their legal rights and options when doing so.
With more than 1500 printed copies being requested and hundreds of online views, as well as extremely positive written feedback, the Guide is set to support and assist people to get back to work and begin to live a life they once knew.

Judges’ comments

Bristol-Myers Squibb and Aurora had a strong example of execution in a collection of related PAGs, focused on an identified well-being/social problem for survivors. It had a clear demonstration of outcomes and strong evidence of partnerships across a number of organisations.