Patient-centricity is a mindset and practice that challenges organisations to understand, engage and collaborate with patients to get critical input to determine the best strategy that will improve the patient experience and outcomes.

This category recognises work that has put the patient centre stage in the development of strategy, which may involve a change of culture and staff upskilling, to create alignment towards a common cause and ensure patient-centricity across the entire product cycle. The process should be transformational and clearly demonstrate that the patient and not the product/company has been foremost in mind throughout.

The entering organisations could include pharma companies, biotech companies, agencies and provider organisations and work can include (but is not limited to):

  • Development of skills and expertise that enabled teams (from R&D through to commercial) to focus on the needs of the patient
  • Defining outcome measures based on meeting patient needs as well as clinical indicators
  • Evidence of patient involvement in materials development or testing
  • Engaging the patient or carer in co-development of support solutions
  • The role of technology in collating patient data or patient insight generation
  • Collation of real-world evidence to inform strategies to improve outcomes.

This category relates to work carried out between January 2022 and June 2023

Below is where the judges will be focusing their scores. Write your entries accordingly.

Judging criteria

Executive Summary – 200 words (not scored)

  • If you are nominated for an award, PMGroup may publish extracts from this summary, so ensure that it contains no confidential or sensitive information. No other part of your entry will be reproduced and the main content of your entry will remain confidential at all times.

Evidence of deep market and customer/patient/carer insight (15) - 350 words

  • Demonstrate how you gained deep and meaningful insights into patient needs throughout their journey, and where interventions could lead to better outcomes
  • Clarity of rationale for creating a customer-centric and patient centric organisation and how this was achieved

Clarity and appropriateness of SMART objectives (10) – 300 words

  • Demonstrate how your objectives related to all stakeholders and reinforced each other
  • The rigour and ambition of your objective setting – specific, measurable and time-based

Quality of strategy development based on insights (15) – 350 words

  • Demonstrate how you aimed to address patient needs in your strategy
  • How the organisation’s approach to strategy development has changed to become more patient-centric

Quality of execution (10) – 350 words

  • Evidence of differentiation and enhanced value for, or engagement of, the patient

Quality of measurement and learning (10) – 350 words

  • Demonstrate how metrics have been applied to measure outcomes, take further action and enable learning
  • Demonstrate how collaboration with stakeholders took place along the patient journey to deliver tangible benefits to patients
  • Demonstrate how data captured is being leveraged and used to adapt strategy and tactics on an ongoing basis

Quality of changed perceptions and behaviours that will deliver improved health outcomes (15) – 350 words

  • Measure of change in relevant stakeholder behaviours or outcomes
  • Direct patient feedback
  • Evidence of customer, patient or carer engagement and positive supportive statements from patients (and, where appropriate, HCPs)