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Meg Morgan wins top recognition award

Meg scoops the Bedrock Group’s CEO 2019 Award


As part of Bedrock’s commitment to recognising and rewarding high-performing staff, the Group CEO David Youds recognises one individual each year who has consistently lived the Bedrock’s values and in doing so has achieved outstanding results.

For 2019, the Bedrock Group CEO Award recipient was Meg Morgan, Strategic Solutions Director, for her absolute commitment to driving creativity and quality, and delivering outstanding results for both her clients and Bedrock.

Bedrock Group CEO, David Youds said, “Meg has shown a huge level of commitment and dedication to her clients and to Bedrock, as well as driving her own personal and professional growth. Meg lives the Bedrock Values ‘Exceeding Expectations’, ‘Bravely Bedrock’ and ‘Freethinking’ and is passionate about helping others do the same. She has also demonstrated her people focus and passionate approach by building strong relationships with her clients and demanding high standards of the programmes that they commission.”

Meg said “I am delighted to receive this award and the recognition that it represents. I am truly committed to driving creativity within our industry and that often means challenging our clients to think differently and trust us to deliver results they are proud of. I’m thrilled that this award recognises some of this work and I’m grateful to my clients for continuing to work collaboratively with me so that together we can deliver some amazing results and have some fun along the way!”

To find out how Bedrock Imagines, Creates and Delivers great careers for truly inspirational people, please visit Bedrock’s website

This content was provided by Bedrock Healthcare Communications

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