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Early communications in Pharma: How effective pre-approval comms delivers launch success

July 5, 2022 |  

What communications are required for a successful launch

Ensuring your treatments have the position, presence and promotion they need to become recognised from the moment they launch is critical when it comes to pharmaceutical marketing, and it’s something Dice have been doing for their clients for years.

However, scientific communications in the earlier stages of your medicine’s development – from early trials through to regulatory approval – is sometimes overlooked. This means that an important lever is missing when it comes to support for your brand launch and its marketing.

Expertly-authored and presented communications, for both internal and external use around topics such as clinical trials, evolving evidence for use of different therapies, disease awareness and diagnosis can have a profound impact on launch trajectory and aiding prescribers in the use of a novel medicine.

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This content was provided by Dice Medical Communications

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